Friday, December 2, 2011

Having a baby is hard work!

...and your thoughts to my title today are probably along the lines of "duh" or "no kidding". But as I sit here this morning drinking my coffee and enjoying the few fleeting minutes of silence I can't help but think also how rewarding my little blessing is! Sure so far all he really does is eat, sleep, and poop, but he is starting to learn and be more alert. He spends a good amount of the day just awake and looking around at every thing he can. One of the best parts is seeing how he knows me and he knows Ben. That to me is AMAZING! This little man, all of 1 month old (crazy I know) is starting to discover this world around him.

Noah has been a blessing in our life, even at 2:00 in the morning when he is screaming his head off, we love him. I still am amazed that this little baby is so dependent on Ben and I. He has been since the day he was conceived and will be for a long while still. We are the ones who are in charge of helping him grow up into the man that God would have him to be. I have been reminded several times by some wonderful women, that God choose us to be Noah's parents, we have a distinct privilege to help him grow, learn, and discover. Often I am overwhelmed by that thought.

Why us? Are we really ready? Guess God thought so. And from day one God knew that as much as this Little Man needed us, we need him so much more. I can't imagine my life without him now. He has become such a big part of our lives in such a small amount of time.

It often reminds me of the relationship between us and God. Granted, God does not need me, BUT He wants me, and as much as He wants me I NEED Him so much more. I cling to Him for my life, hold tight to his promises and wait patiently for the day to be in His presence. We have this picture of Noah from right after he was born clinging on to Ben, his father's hands and looking up at him.
I think God wants that from us, from me; He wants me to be looking and clinging to Him, to find comfort in Him and all that He has to offer. Not to find comfort in all the other stuff the world has to offer. So my prayer this morning would be that I never forget me need and dependence for God.

The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. -Psalm 18:2

But the LORD has been my stronghold, And my God the rock of my refuge. -Psalm 94:22


  1. Amen and amen. I am often reminded how at 2 am I am screaming and crying too for my Heavenly Father and He scoops me up in His arms and nuzzles me against His chest and whispers, "I'm's okay...we'll make it through...together." I love this little man...this picture will always be one of my was a precious moment...

  2. Awesome post Amanda. Can't wait for future insights into life with Noah.
