Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh how lucky we are!

...maybe lucky is not the right word, blessed sounds much better now that I think about this topic. My little family has been so blessed with a BIG caring family.  From the moment we found out we were expecting out little "jelly bean" or "LB" as we called Noah before we knew he was Noah, our families have been the most encouraging and loving family we could ever have asked for. Many of them taking time out of there busy scheduale to come along side of us (either close by or far away) and help us on our journey.

The blessing of family has never been so clear to me then over the past two months of my Little man's life (can you believe its been 2 months already! I can't!). It first started with Ben's mom and dad. Let me just say that I am sooooooo thankful for both of them and the support and love they have given us. And especially me, I joke with Ben's mom that she was my idol durring the 9 months Noah was inside of me. Countless phone calls were made about whats "normal" what to expect and what Noah was doing inside of me at that moment. But that does not even come close to the sacrifice they made to come to Texas and help Ben and I transition into parenthood; for that I am truly greatful! She walked with me for hours trying to get this little man to come out. She stayed for weeks just waiting with us, as I stated before our little man was a stubborn child! Then she was there and helped encourage me as I labored Noah into this world, and learned to take care of the little man all on our own. And Ben's dad sacrificailly let us keep her for all that time even though he was missing her! Thank you.

The past two weeks I have been reminded of how lucky we are to have family around with my Grammy flying in to spend the holidays with Noah, Ben, and I. What fun that was. I got to watch as Noah and Grammy got to know each other and it was so much fun. But more than that, she was a huge help and a releif, she loved and cared for Noah, and even let mommy and daddy go out on a date or two together! It was a great reminder of how much we need and want family around. We can not wait for that day!


There have been countless other family members that have helped in so many ways but these two women stick out the most in my mind this morning. I have had to watch both of them leave us and its been so hard. But I know soon enough we will be with them again and have the joy of seeing them with our little man. (Who I add misses them both teribly!!)
Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. You are most welcome, sweetie. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. One thing I've always wanted to do is to be there for my children and their families since I had no mom and dad when I was going through everything...and was too self-absorbed to realize how much Allen's family could have meant during those times if I'd just been open to it. It's helped me in my relationship with my own mother-in-law as I've realized how much I kept her at arms length. We love you guys and can't wait to be with you again in May, Lord willing!
