Monday, February 13, 2012

Two of my favorite things

I have to admit that I have been waiting to write this post over a week now and just could not find the words to describe what I wanted to say. A form of writers block I guess. So here it goes, two of my favorite things...

1.) My Morning Smiles: what a great way to start any day. Noah is my social little man, the older he is getting the more and more he loves to talk. Yes he is only 3 1/2 months old but boy can this little man talk my ear off! Not like I really know what he is saying, but he happy to tell me all about his night and dreams. Its funny cause I think he has watched mommy and daddy talk in the morning while drinking our coffee and he wants to join in.. so he takes a sip or two of his milk unlatches smiles and starts talking, I respond and he repeats the process over and over for about 30 mins or so till he is done and then he just talks and smiles. I am so thankful I have a schedule that allows me to not rush but just sit and enjoy this time. It has truly become precious to me.

2.) My Nighttime Cuddles: I have posted before what a struggle nights can be for my little family, some nights Noah just wants to yell. But the other nights are the most precious to me. These night time cuddles normally happen right after I have gotten home from work (though sometimes he does them on nights I don't work). I come home and he has just gotten done tubby time with daddy and then moves onto feeding time with mommy. Noah and I get set up in our chair with the boppy, he is all swaddled for sleep and he starts eating. As soon as he is latched and going he starts reaching for my hand. At this point he links fingers with me and holds on tight to my thumb, just snuggles. It brings tears to my eyes just watching my little man slowly drift off to sleep as he holds on tight to his mommy. Nothing better than that. It reminds me of when he was so little and would fall asleep on his mommy or with his mommy all the time.

I am truly Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Fun times....and you said it so well. They are such a blessing...enjoy every you are!
