Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Year Ago Today!

Wow! That title says it all for me, what a year. A year ago today Ben and I found out we were having Noah. At the time he was our "LB" (Little Baby), and he remained under that name till I was 19 weeks along and we found out LB was in fact the little man we now call Noah.

I remember that week and day all to well, Valentines Day was a Monday last year, we had just gotten done with a long weekend with our teenagers at CBC attending Planet Wisdom. That week I had been feeling off but did not think much of it. Saturday the 12th I got my first does of morning sickness. THANKFULLY nausea is in the morning is something that I have had since I was a teen, no one not even myself thought much of it.

By Monday the 14th I knew something was going on. Ben and I were trying to get pregnant after talking with my doctor and evaluating some options for us. But I really did not think it could happen so fast. On a whim I decided to take a pregnancy test, thinking it could not do any harm and it would just confirm in my mind that the cramping I was feeling was just my period taking its lovely time to get here. But to my surprise I saw this....
Two lines. Two lines that forever changed our lives!!! I could not believe it. I walked calmly out to the kitchen where Ben was and said.... "Ummmm.... I decided to take a test and I think I am pregnant! We have to wait a few more mins to be sure cause I read the test early but I think I saw two lines...." We waited and then walked into the bathroom and saw it again! I was pregnant!! We hugged and Then exchanged Valentines Day gifts.
I gave Ben a bib I had found and wanted to show him as soon as we knew we were having a baby! Then we had to wait some long weeks before heading to the Dr. to do tests and confirm everything. I was so excited and so scared, from the moment we found out I had already grown fond of my LB everyday I prayed that he would be safe and keep growing. And he did...

Our LB grew into the wonderful Little Man I am so blessed to call my son!

He has brought so much joy our life. He has become a shining light in what sometimes seems like such a dark time. So a year ago today we found out we were having our biggest blessing yet. Valentines Day could not be any more special to me. 

1 comment:

  1. He's my favorite Valentine's gift from last year...I remember the phone call...so precious!
